1 Cartaz Rallye Serras de Fafe e Felgueiras 2020 300x400



Nos próximos dias 28 e 29 de Fevereiro irá para a estrada a 33ª edição Rallye Serras de Fafe que este ano muda de nome para Rallye Serras de Fafe e Felgueiras devido à inclusão das classificativas de Seixoso e Sta Quitéria.

A edição deste ano conta novamente para o Troféu Europeu de Ralis e Troféu Ibérico de Ralis.

A nivel nacional, a edição deste ano encontra-se inserida no Campeonato de Portugal de Ralis e Campeonato Norte de Ralis.

No primeiro dia de prova, os concorrentes efetuarão 2 passagens pelo troço de Aboim/Monte seguindo-se a passagem noturna pelas ruas do centro da cidade de Fafe, PEC 3.

No sábado os concorrentes sairão para a estrada para percorrerem os derradeiros quilómetros, com 2 passagens pelos troços de Montim, Seixoso e Sta Quitéria da parte da manhã e 2 passagens pelos troços de Lameirinha e Luilha/Guilhofrei da parte da tarde.






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explore subfolder image 0-Cartaz
An image file 1-Cartaz Rallye Serras de Fafe e Felgueiras 2020 300x400Download Preceding File Preview the file 276.46 KB 2020-01-14 20:11:26
An image file 2-Cartaz Rallye Serras de Fafe e Felgueiras 2020 3785x5353Download Preceding File Preview the file 16.21 MB 2020-01-14 20:11:28
explore subfolder image 1- Programa, mapas e acessos às Zonas Espetáculo (ZE)
explore subfolder image PEC_SS
An Adobe Acrobat file 0-ShakedownDownload Preceding File Preview the file 185.45 KB 2020-02-21 14:09:39
An Adobe Acrobat file 1_2-AboimDownload Preceding File Preview the file 201.71 KB 2020-02-21 14:09:39
An Adobe Acrobat file 3-FafeDownload Preceding File Preview the file 294.67 KB 2020-02-21 14:09:39
An Adobe Acrobat file 4_7-MontimDownload Preceding File Preview the file 193.3 KB 2020-02-21 14:09:39
An Adobe Acrobat file 5_8-SeixosoDownload Preceding File Preview the file 195.59 KB 2020-02-21 14:09:39
An Adobe Acrobat file 6_9-StaQuitériaDownload Preceding File Preview the file 261.43 KB 2020-02-21 14:09:39
An Adobe Acrobat file 10_12-lameirinhaDownload Preceding File Preview the file 253.28 KB 2020-02-21 14:09:40
An Adobe Acrobat file 11_13-LuilhasDownload Preceding File Preview the file 227.17 KB 2020-02-21 14:09:40
explore subfolder image Zonas Espetáculo
An Adobe Acrobat file 1_2-Aboim_ZEDownload Preceding File Preview the file 207.77 KB 2020-02-21 14:09:25
An Adobe Acrobat file 4_7-Montim_ZEDownload Preceding File Preview the file 199 KB 2020-02-21 14:09:25
An Adobe Acrobat file 5_8-Seixoso_ZEDownload Preceding File Preview the file 201.72 KB 2020-02-21 14:09:25
An Adobe Acrobat file 6_9-StaQuitéria_ZEDownload Preceding File Preview the file 273.35 KB 2020-02-21 14:09:25
An Adobe Acrobat file 10_12-Lameirinha_ZEDownload Preceding File Preview the file 264.65 KB 2020-02-21 14:09:25
An Adobe Acrobat file 11_13-Luilhas_ZEDownload Preceding File Preview the file 241.25 KB 2020-02-21 14:09:25
An Adobe Acrobat file Acessos às ZEDownload Preceding File Preview the file 885.16 KB 2020-02-26 14:58:30
A compressed ZIP file KMLDownload Preceding File Preview the file 51.88 KB 2020-02-20 22:32:28
A compressed ZIP file KMZDownload Preceding File Preview the file 49.76 KB 2020-02-20 22:32:46
A Microsoft Word file ProgramaDownload Preceding File Preview the file 212.5 KB 2020-01-14 20:37:38
An Adobe Acrobat file RallyGuide 1_A5-bookletDownload Preceding File Preview the file 4.24 MB 2020-02-26 14:56:47
An Adobe Acrobat file RallyGuide1_A5Download Preceding File Preview the file 4.25 MB 2020-02-26 14:56:46
A Microsoft Word file ScheduleDownload Preceding File Preview the file 230 KB 2020-01-14 20:37:38
explore subfolder image 2- Roadbook, Ficha de Inscrição, Regulamento da Prova e Aditamentos
An Adobe Acrobat file 1-Rallye Serras de Fafe 2020 - CPR - Regulamento ParticularDownload Preceding File Preview the file 560.66 KB 2020-02-11 21:25:35
An Adobe Acrobat file 2-Rallye Serras de Fafe 2020 - CPR - Anexo 1 - Mapa de controlosDownload Preceding File Preview the file 174.83 KB 2020-02-11 21:25:35
An Adobe Acrobat file 3-Rallye Serras de Fafe 2020 - CPR & CNR - Anexo 2 a 13Download Preceding File Preview the file 529.05 KB 2020-02-11 21:25:35
An Adobe Acrobat file 4-Rallye Serras de Fafe 2020 -Supplementary Regulations Download Preceding File Preview the file 626.52 KB 2020-02-11 21:25:35
An Adobe Acrobat file 5-Rallye Serras de Fafe 2020 - Appendix 1 - Controls MapDownload Preceding File Preview the file 180.26 KB 2020-02-11 21:25:35
An Adobe Acrobat file 6-Rallye Serras de Fafe 2020 - Appendix 2 to 13Download Preceding File Preview the file 549.28 KB 2020-02-11 21:25:35
An Adobe Acrobat file 7-Rallye Serras de Fafe 2020 - CNR - Regulamento ParticularDownload Preceding File Preview the file 418.89 KB 2020-02-11 21:25:35
An Adobe Acrobat file 8-Rallye Serras de Fafe 2020 - CNR - Anexo 1 - Mapa de controlosDownload Preceding File Preview the file 136.33 KB 2020-02-11 21:25:35
An Adobe Acrobat file 10-ROADBOOK - SERRAS DE FAFE E FELGUEIRAS 2020Download Preceding File Preview the file 26.45 MB 2020-02-21 21:34:53
An Adobe Acrobat file 11-Aditamento 1 - Competição ExtraDownload Preceding File Preview the file 284.8 KB 2020-02-21 22:18:31
An Adobe Acrobat file 12-Aditamento 1 - CPR_ERT_IRTDownload Preceding File Preview the file 356.48 KB 2020-02-25 20:48:24
An Adobe Acrobat file 13-Bulletin 1 - CPR_ERT_IRTDownload Preceding File Preview the file 947.53 KB 2020-02-25 20:42:18
An Adobe Acrobat file 14-Bulletin 2 - CPR_ERT_IRTDownload Preceding File Preview the file 992.93 KB 2020-02-25 20:44:00
An Adobe Acrobat file 15-Aditamento 2 - CPR_ERT_IRTDownload Preceding File Preview the file 991.36 KB 2020-02-25 20:44:25
An Adobe Acrobat file 16-Aditamento1 - CNRDownload Preceding File Preview the file 668.42 KB 2020-02-25 20:43:21
An Adobe Acrobat file 17-1.5-Bulletin_5Download Preceding File Preview the file 356.68 KB 2020-02-28 15:13:50
explore subfolder image 3- Listas de inscritos e admitidos à partida
An Adobe Acrobat file 1-Lista de Inscritos - Competição Extra - Rallye Serras De Fafe e FelgueirasDownload Preceding File Preview the file 166.55 KB 2020-02-21 22:18:53
An Adobe Acrobat file 2-Lista de Inscritos - CPR_ERT_IRT - Rallye Serras De Fafe e FelgueirasDownload Preceding File Preview the file 1.16 MB 2020-02-25 20:49:39
An Adobe Acrobat file 3-Lista de Inscritos - CNR - Rallye Serras De Fafe e FelgueirasDownload Preceding File Preview the file 172.71 KB 2020-02-25 20:49:39
explore subfolder image 4- Horários de partida
An Adobe Acrobat file 1-Horário de Partida_Starting order and time - ERT_IRT_CPRDownload Preceding File Preview the file 121.33 KB 2020-02-28 14:58:11
An Adobe Acrobat file 2-Horário de Partida do CNRDownload Preceding File Preview the file 97.28 KB 2020-02-28 14:58:11
An Adobe Acrobat file 3-Horário de Partida_Starting order and time - ERT_IRT_CPR- LEG 2Download Preceding File Preview the file 121 KB 2020-02-29 00:24:26
An Adobe Acrobat file 4-Horário de Partida do CNR - Etapa 2Download Preceding File Preview the file 96.44 KB 2020-02-29 00:24:26
explore subfolder image 5- Classificações, desistências e penalizações
explore subfolder image 1-ERT_IRT_CPR
An Adobe Acrobat file 1-ERT_IRT_CPR - Geral - PEC 1Download Preceding File Preview the file 237.51 KB 2020-02-28 17:32:31
An Adobe Acrobat file 2-ERT_IRT_CPR - Geral - AFTER PEC 1Download Preceding File Preview the file 237.57 KB 2020-02-28 17:32:31
An Adobe Acrobat file 3-ERT_IRT_CPR - Geral - PEC 2Download Preceding File Preview the file 238.16 KB 2020-02-28 19:37:31
An Adobe Acrobat file 4-ERT_IRT_CPR - Geral - AFTER PEC 2Download Preceding File Preview the file 238.28 KB 2020-02-28 19:37:31
An Adobe Acrobat file 5-ERT_IRT_CPR - Geral - PEC 3Download Preceding File Preview the file 237.84 KB 2020-02-28 23:26:58
An Adobe Acrobat file 6-ERT_IRT_CPR - Geral - AFTER PEC 3Download Preceding File Preview the file 238.17 KB 2020-02-28 23:26:59
An Adobe Acrobat file 7-ERT_IRT_CPR - Geral - PEC 4Download Preceding File Preview the file 237.29 KB 2020-02-29 10:15:20
An Adobe Acrobat file 8-ERT_IRT_CPR - Geral - AFTER PEC 4Download Preceding File Preview the file 237.45 KB 2020-02-29 10:15:20
An Adobe Acrobat file 9-ERT_IRT_CPR - Geral - PEC 6Download Preceding File Preview the file 236.67 KB 2020-02-29 11:31:24
An Adobe Acrobat file 10-ERT_IRT_CPR - Geral - AFTER PEC 6Download Preceding File Preview the file 236.84 KB 2020-02-29 11:31:24
An Adobe Acrobat file 11-ERT_IRT_CPR - Geral - PEC 7Download Preceding File Preview the file 236.25 KB 2020-02-29 12:30:44
An Adobe Acrobat file 12-ERT_IRT_CPR - Geral - AFTER PEC 7Download Preceding File Preview the file 236.62 KB 2020-02-29 12:30:44
An Adobe Acrobat file 13-ERT_IRT_CPR - Geral - PEC 8Download Preceding File Preview the file 235.75 KB 2020-02-29 13:13:10
An Adobe Acrobat file 14-ERT_IRT_CPR - Geral - AFTER PEC 8Download Preceding File Preview the file 235.95 KB 2020-02-29 13:13:10
An Adobe Acrobat file 15-ERT_IRT_CPR - Geral - PEC 9Download Preceding File Preview the file 235.76 KB 2020-02-29 13:39:34
An Adobe Acrobat file 16-ERT_IRT_CPR - Geral - AFTER PEC 9Download Preceding File Preview the file 235.96 KB 2020-02-29 13:39:34
An Adobe Acrobat file 17-ERT_IRT_CPR - Geral - PEC 10Download Preceding File Preview the file 235.58 KB 2020-02-29 16:47:11
An Adobe Acrobat file 18-ERT_IRT_CPR - Geral - AFTER PEC 10Download Preceding File Preview the file 235.8 KB 2020-02-29 16:47:11
An Adobe Acrobat file 19-ERT_IRT_CPR - Geral - PEC 11Download Preceding File Preview the file 235.59 KB 2020-02-29 18:33:50
An Adobe Acrobat file 20-ERT_IRT_CPR - Geral - AFTER PEC 11Download Preceding File Preview the file 235.82 KB 2020-02-29 18:33:51
An Adobe Acrobat file 21-ERT_IRT_CPR - Geral - PEC 12 PDownload Preceding File Preview the file 234.5 KB 2020-02-29 19:41:42
An Adobe Acrobat file 22-ERT_IRT_CPR - Geral - AFTER PEC 12 PDownload Preceding File Preview the file 234.63 KB 2020-02-29 19:41:42
An Adobe Acrobat file 23-ERT_IRT_CPR - Geral - PEC 13Download Preceding File Preview the file 232.54 KB 2020-02-29 19:41:42
An Adobe Acrobat file 24-ERT_IRT_CPR - Geral - AFTER PEC 13Download Preceding File Preview the file 232.66 KB 2020-02-29 19:41:42
An Adobe Acrobat file 25-Provisional ClassificationDownload Preceding File Preview the file 124.13 KB 2020-02-29 20:44:15
explore subfolder image 2-CNR
An Adobe Acrobat file 1-CNR - Geral - PEC 3Download Preceding File Preview the file 198.58 KB 2020-02-28 22:10:22
An Adobe Acrobat file 2-CNR - Geral - AFTER PEC 3Download Preceding File Preview the file 198.6 KB 2020-02-28 22:10:22
An Adobe Acrobat file 3-CNR - Geral - PEC 6Download Preceding File Preview the file 198.21 KB 2020-02-29 11:49:25
An Adobe Acrobat file 4-CNR - Geral - AFTER PEC 6Download Preceding File Preview the file 198.26 KB 2020-02-29 11:49:41
An Adobe Acrobat file 5-CNR - Geral - PEC 8Download Preceding File Preview the file 198.01 KB 2020-02-29 13:36:57
An Adobe Acrobat file 6-CNR - Geral - AFTER PEC 8Download Preceding File Preview the file 198.06 KB 2020-02-29 13:36:57
An Adobe Acrobat file 7-CNR - Geral - PEC 9Download Preceding File Preview the file 197.83 KB 2020-02-29 14:20:30
An Adobe Acrobat file 8-CNR - Geral - AFTER PEC 9Download Preceding File Preview the file 197.89 KB 2020-02-29 14:20:30
An Adobe Acrobat file 9-CNR - Geral - PEC 10Download Preceding File Preview the file 197.41 KB 2020-02-29 16:46:16
An Adobe Acrobat file 10-CNR - Geral - AFTER PEC 10Download Preceding File Preview the file 197.47 KB 2020-02-29 16:46:16
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An Adobe Acrobat file ParqueAssistência-ServicePark_V2Download Preceding File Preview the file 587.01 KB 2020-02-26 15:05:13