1 Cartaz Rallye Serras de Fafe 300x400

Nos próximos dias 18 e 19 de Fevereiro irá para a estrada a 30ª edição Rallye Serras de Fafe.

A edição deste ano tem como novidade a internacionalização do rali, uma vez que o mesmo conta para o Troféu Europeu de Ralis e Troféu Ibérico de Ralis.

A nivel nacional, a edição deste ano, encontra-se inserida no Campeonato Nacional de Ralis e Taça Ralis FPAK Terra.

Será ainda possível a participação de viaturas na prova extra (Regional).

No primeiro dia de prova, os concorrentes efetuarão 3 passagens pelos troços de Montim e Confurco, seguindo-se 2 passagens noturnas pelas ruas do centro da cidade de Fafe, PEC 7A e 7B.

No domingo os concorrentes sairão para a estrada para percorrerem os derradeiros quilómetros, com 3 passagens pelo troço de Luilhas e 2 passagens pelo troço da Lameirinha.







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An image file 1-Cartaz Rallye Serras de Fafe 300x400Download Preceding File Preview the file 273.4 KB 2017-02-02 21:12:33
An image file 2-Cartaz Rallye Serras de Fafe 3857x5402Download Preceding File Preview the file 13.43 MB 2017-02-02 21:12:39
explore subfolder image 1- Programa, mapas e acessos ás Zonas Espetáculo (ZE)
An Adobe Acrobat file 02- Mapa GeralDownload Preceding File Preview the file 210.79 KB 2017-01-22 12:57:37
An Adobe Acrobat file 03-Mapa da 1ª etapa 1ª SecçãoDownload Preceding File Preview the file 192.31 KB 2017-01-22 12:57:37
An Adobe Acrobat file 04-Mapa da 1ª etapa 2ª SecçãoDownload Preceding File Preview the file 190.59 KB 2017-01-22 12:57:37
An Adobe Acrobat file 05- PEC 1,3 e 5 MontimDownload Preceding File Preview the file 335.36 KB 2017-01-22 12:57:38
An Adobe Acrobat file 06- PEC 1,3 e 5 Montim - Zonas EspectáculoDownload Preceding File Preview the file 347.67 KB 2017-02-18 15:08:50
An Adobe Acrobat file 07-PEC 2,4 e 6 ConfurcoDownload Preceding File Preview the file 326.04 KB 2017-01-22 12:57:38
An Adobe Acrobat file 08-PEC 2,4 e 6 Confurco - Zonas EspectáculoDownload Preceding File Preview the file 337.91 KB 2017-02-18 15:08:48
An Adobe Acrobat file 09-PEC 7A e 7B FafeStreetDownload Preceding File Preview the file 400.57 KB 2017-01-22 12:57:39
An Adobe Acrobat file 10-PEC 8, 10 e 12 LuilhasDownload Preceding File Preview the file 318.29 KB 2017-01-22 12:57:39
An Adobe Acrobat file 11-PEC 8, 10 e 12 Luilhas - Zonas EspectáculoDownload Preceding File Preview the file 326.65 KB 2017-02-18 15:08:48
An Adobe Acrobat file 12-PEC 9 e 11 LameirinhaDownload Preceding File Preview the file 332.28 KB 2017-01-22 12:57:39
An Adobe Acrobat file 13-PEC 9 e 11 Lameirinha - Zonas EspectáculoDownload Preceding File Preview the file 338.3 KB 2017-02-18 15:08:49
explore subfolder image 2- Roadbook, ficha de inscrição, regulamento da prova e aditamentos
An Adobe Acrobat file 01-Regulamento Rallye Serras de Fafe 2017(Provisório)Download Preceding File Preview the file 691.15 KB 2017-01-24 21:59:26
An Adobe Acrobat file 02-Ficha de inscrição Rallye Serras de Fafe 2017Download Preceding File Preview the file 564.01 KB 2017-01-23 11:21:17
A Microsoft Word file 03-Ficha de inscrição Rallye Serras de Fafe 2017Download Preceding File Preview the file 78.1 KB 2017-01-23 11:21:17
An Adobe Acrobat file 04-Aditamento 1Download Preceding File Preview the file 357.42 KB 2017-02-09 14:53:03
An Adobe Acrobat file En_01-Supplementary RegulationsDownload Preceding File Preview the file 829.51 KB 2017-02-02 09:50:01
An Adobe Acrobat file En_02-Appendix I - CONTROLS MAPSDownload Preceding File Preview the file 291.5 KB 2017-02-02 09:50:01
An Adobe Acrobat file En_03-Appendix II a IXDownload Preceding File Preview the file 432.43 KB 2017-02-02 09:50:01
An Adobe Acrobat file En_04-Bulletin 1Download Preceding File Preview the file 355.58 KB 2017-02-09 14:52:56
explore subfolder image 3- Listas de inscritos
An Adobe Acrobat file 01-Lista de inscritos CNRDownload Preceding File Preview the file 351.89 KB 2017-02-14 00:04:03
An Adobe Acrobat file 02-Lista de inscritos TNRTDownload Preceding File Preview the file 349.65 KB 2017-02-14 00:04:03
An Adobe Acrobat file 03-Lista de inscritos prova extraDownload Preceding File Preview the file 225.21 KB 2017-02-14 16:08:02
explore subfolder image 4- Horários de partida
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explore subfolder image 5- Classificações, desistências e penalizações
An Adobe Acrobat file 01 - PE1-CampeonatoNacionalRalis_ERT_IRTDownload Preceding File Preview the file 220.85 KB 2017-02-18 16:15:56
An Adobe Acrobat file 02 - PE1-TNRTDownload Preceding File Preview the file 186.7 KB 2017-02-18 16:20:40
An Adobe Acrobat file 03 - PE2-CampeonatoNacionalRalis_ERT_IRTDownload Preceding File Preview the file 219.63 KB 2017-02-18 16:25:05
An Adobe Acrobat file 04 - Apos PE2-CampeonatoNacionalRalis_ERT_IRTDownload Preceding File Preview the file 220.14 KB 2017-02-18 16:25:34
An Adobe Acrobat file 05 - PE2-TNRTDownload Preceding File Preview the file 186.69 KB 2017-02-18 16:51:55
An Adobe Acrobat file 06 - Apos PE2-TNRTDownload Preceding File Preview the file 186.75 KB 2017-02-18 16:52:18
An Adobe Acrobat file 07 - PE3-CampeonatoNacionalRalis_ERT_IRTDownload Preceding File Preview the file 217.91 KB 2017-02-18 17:40:53
An Adobe Acrobat file 08 - Apos PE3-CampeonatoNacionalRalis_ERT_IRTDownload Preceding File Preview the file 217.94 KB 2017-02-18 17:41:14
An Adobe Acrobat file 09 - PE3-TNRTDownload Preceding File Preview the file 186.09 KB 2017-02-18 18:08:42
An Adobe Acrobat file 10 - Apos PE3-TNRTDownload Preceding File Preview the file 186.13 KB 2017-02-18 18:09:12
An Adobe Acrobat file 11 - PE4-CampeonatoNacionalRalis_ERT_IRTDownload Preceding File Preview the file 217.74 KB 2017-02-18 18:10:07
An Adobe Acrobat file 12 - Apos PE4-CampeonatoNacionalRalis_ERT_IRTDownload Preceding File Preview the file 217.76 KB 2017-02-18 18:10:32
An Adobe Acrobat file 13 - PE4-TNRTDownload Preceding File Preview the file 186.11 KB 2017-02-18 18:36:14
An Adobe Acrobat file 14 - Apos PE4-TNRTDownload Preceding File Preview the file 186.14 KB 2017-02-18 18:38:00
An Adobe Acrobat file 15 - PE5-CampeonatoNacionalRalis_ERT_IRTDownload Preceding File Preview the file 217.51 KB 2017-02-18 19:26:42
An Adobe Acrobat file 16 - Apos PE5-CampeonatoNacionalRalis_ERT_IRTDownload Preceding File Preview the file 217.57 KB 2017-02-18 19:27:07
An Adobe Acrobat file 17 - PE5-TNRTDownload Preceding File Preview the file 185.9 KB 2017-02-18 20:01:29
An Adobe Acrobat file 18 - Apos PE5-TNRTDownload Preceding File Preview the file 185.95 KB 2017-02-18 20:01:50
An Adobe Acrobat file 19 - PE6-CampeonatoNacionalRalis_ERT_IRTDownload Preceding File Preview the file 217.15 KB 2017-02-18 23:55:58
An Adobe Acrobat file 20 - Apos PE6-CampeonatoNacionalRalis_ERT_IRTDownload Preceding File Preview the file 217.21 KB 2017-02-18 23:55:36
An Adobe Acrobat file 21 - PE6-TNRTDownload Preceding File Preview the file 185.91 KB 2017-02-18 20:26:37
An Adobe Acrobat file 22 - Apos PE6-TNRTDownload Preceding File Preview the file 185.95 KB 2017-02-18 20:26:56
An Adobe Acrobat file 23 - PE7A-CampeonatoNacionalRalis_ERT_IRTDownload Preceding File Preview the file 216.69 KB 2017-02-18 22:38:58
An Adobe Acrobat file 24 - Apos PE7A-CampeonatoNacionalRalis_ERT_IRTDownload Preceding File Preview the file 216.79 KB 2017-02-18 23:56:35
An Adobe Acrobat file 25 - PE7B-CampeonatoNacionalRalis_ERT_IRTDownload Preceding File Preview the file 216.7 KB 2017-02-18 22:39:44
An Adobe Acrobat file 26 - Apos PE7B-CampeonatoNacionalRalis_ERT_IRTDownload Preceding File Preview the file 216.83 KB 2017-02-18 23:57:10
An Adobe Acrobat file 27 - PE7A-TNRTDownload Preceding File Preview the file 185.72 KB 2017-02-18 23:07:27
An Adobe Acrobat file 28 - Apos PE7A-TNRTDownload Preceding File Preview the file 185.79 KB 2017-02-18 23:07:45
An Adobe Acrobat file 29 - PE7B-TNRTDownload Preceding File Preview the file 185.71 KB 2017-02-18 23:08:24
An Adobe Acrobat file 30 - Apos PE7B-TNRTDownload Preceding File Preview the file 185.78 KB 2017-02-18 23:08:48
An Adobe Acrobat file 31 - PE7A-ExtraDownload Preceding File Preview the file 164.44 KB 2017-02-18 23:11:04
An Adobe Acrobat file 32 - PE7B-ExtraDownload Preceding File Preview the file 164.43 KB 2017-02-18 23:22:49
An Adobe Acrobat file 33 - Apos PE7B-ExtraDownload Preceding File Preview the file 164.46 KB 2017-02-18 23:23:05
An Adobe Acrobat file 34 - Horario de Partida 2 SeccaoDownload Preceding File Preview the file 109.06 KB 2017-02-19 01:07:12
An Adobe Acrobat file 35 - PE8-CampeonatoNacionalRalis_ERT_IRTDownload Preceding File Preview the file 217.3 KB 2017-02-19 09:59:34
An Adobe Acrobat file 36 - Apos PE8-CampeonatoNacionalRalis_ERT_IRTDownload Preceding File Preview the file 217.41 KB 2017-02-19 09:59:51
An Adobe Acrobat file 37 - PE8-TNRTDownload Preceding File Preview the file 185.72 KB 2017-02-19 10:36:21
An Adobe Acrobat file 38 - Apos PE8-TNRTDownload Preceding File Preview the file 185.8 KB 2017-02-19 10:37:21
An Adobe Acrobat file 39 - PE8 -ExtraDownload Preceding File Preview the file 164.24 KB 2017-02-19 10:40:54
An Adobe Acrobat file 40 - Apos PE8 -ExtraDownload Preceding File Preview the file 164.27 KB 2017-02-19 10:41:12
An Adobe Acrobat file 41 - PE9-CampeonatoNacionalRalis_ERT_IRTDownload Preceding File Preview the file 217.34 KB 2017-02-19 11:01:59
An Adobe Acrobat file 42 - Apos PE9-CampeonatoNacionalRalis_ERT_IRTDownload Preceding File Preview the file 217.45 KB 2017-02-19 11:02:17
An Adobe Acrobat file 43 - PE9-TNRTDownload Preceding File Preview the file 185.74 KB 2017-02-19 11:17:02
An Adobe Acrobat file 44 - Apos PE9-TNRTDownload Preceding File Preview the file 185.81 KB 2017-02-19 11:17:22
An Adobe Acrobat file 45 - PE9-ExtraDownload Preceding File Preview the file 164.03 KB 2017-02-19 11:27:49
An Adobe Acrobat file 46 - Apos PE9-ExtraDownload Preceding File Preview the file 164.06 KB 2017-02-19 11:28:19
An Adobe Acrobat file 47 - PE10-CampeonatoNacionalRalis_ERT_IRTDownload Preceding File Preview the file 217.11 KB 2017-02-19 11:40:34
An Adobe Acrobat file 48 - Apos PE10-CampeonatoNacionalRalis_ERT_IRTDownload Preceding File Preview the file 217.23 KB 2017-02-19 11:40:51
An Adobe Acrobat file 49 - PE10-TNRTDownload Preceding File Preview the file 185.13 KB 2017-02-19 11:57:37
An Adobe Acrobat file 50 - Apos PE10-TNRTDownload Preceding File Preview the file 185.21 KB 2017-02-19 11:58:22
An Adobe Acrobat file 51 - PE10-ExtraDownload Preceding File Preview the file 164.03 KB 2017-02-19 12:00:24
An Adobe Acrobat file 52 - Apos PE10-ExtraDownload Preceding File Preview the file 164.05 KB 2017-02-19 12:00:46
An Adobe Acrobat file 53 - PE11-CampeonatoNacionalRalis_ERT_IRTDownload Preceding File Preview the file 216.9 KB 2017-02-19 12:30:47
An Adobe Acrobat file 54 - Apos PE11-CampeonatoNacionalRalis_ERT_IRTDownload Preceding File Preview the file 217.03 KB 2017-02-19 12:31:06
An Adobe Acrobat file 55 - PE11-TNRTDownload Preceding File Preview the file 184.96 KB 2017-02-19 12:41:53
An Adobe Acrobat file 56 - Apos PE11-TNRTDownload Preceding File Preview the file 185 KB 2017-02-19 12:42:15
An Adobe Acrobat file 57 - PE11-ExtraDownload Preceding File Preview the file 164.03 KB 2017-02-19 12:51:06
An Adobe Acrobat file 58 - Apos PE11-ExtraDownload Preceding File Preview the file 164.05 KB 2017-02-19 12:51:23
An Adobe Acrobat file 59 - PE12-CampeonatoNacionalRalis_ERT_IRTDownload Preceding File Preview the file 216.54 KB 2017-02-19 13:11:21
An Adobe Acrobat file 60 - Apos PE12-CampeonatoNacionalRalis_ERT_IRTDownload Preceding File Preview the file 216.64 KB 2017-02-19 13:11:48
An Adobe Acrobat file 61 - PE12-TNRTDownload Preceding File Preview the file 184.94 KB 2017-02-19 13:16:46
An Adobe Acrobat file 62 - Apos PE12-TNRTDownload Preceding File Preview the file 184.99 KB 2017-02-19 13:17:02
An Adobe Acrobat file 63 - PE12-ExtraDownload Preceding File Preview the file 164.02 KB 2017-02-19 13:27:25
An Adobe Acrobat file 64 - Apos PE12-ExtraDownload Preceding File Preview the file 164.06 KB 2017-02-19 13:27:45
An Adobe Acrobat file 65 - Classificação Provisória -CampeonatoNacionalRalis_ERT_IRTDownload Preceding File Preview the file 94.9 KB 2017-02-19 15:36:57
An Adobe Acrobat file 66 - Classificação Provisória -ExtraDownload Preceding File Preview the file 77.97 KB 2017-02-19 15:36:57
An Adobe Acrobat file 67 - Classificação Provisória -TNRTDownload Preceding File Preview the file 89.85 KB 2017-02-19 15:36:57
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