1 Cartaz Rallye Serras de Fafe 300x400

Na passada sexta feira, dia 9 de fevereiro, cerca das 22 h começou a respirar-se rali em Fafe.  Por essa hora começaram a chegar ao Hotel Confort Inn os primeiros pilotos que quiseram levantar os seus road books. Inevitavelmente começaram aí as habituais piadas e momentos de agradável descontração entre pilotos, navegadores e organização.

Sábado, 10 de fevereiro, 8h da manhã e uma temperatura gelada em Montim, já lá estavam todos preparados para os primeiros reconhecimentos, com troços vigiados e controlados pelas equipas do Demoporto. Aí estavam eles: blocos de notas, Peltors, Terratrips, carros equipados com Santo Antónios (Sim! Santo Antónios, que eu depois posso explicar aos mais novos…) e aí vão eles. Durante todo o dia de Sábado foi possível encontrar este “pequeno circo” em Montim, Ruivães/Confurco, Lameirinha, Luílhas e Gontim.

Pela hora de almoço, junto à aldeia de Lagoa, no restaurante Por do Sol, foi possível encontrar boa parte dos pilotos, organizadores, jornalistas, mecânicos e aficionados… enfim um verdadeiro padock de rallye, como é habitual neste local tão bem conhecido como o “Chamonix”. Desta feita – e porque a organização do Demoporto precisava de rapidez no serviço para voltar à estrada e o espaço não chegava para todos os comensais – foi até possível descobrir novas aptidões de hotelaria, por parte de alguns responsáveis desportivos...

Após um dia cheio de "passagens" pelos troços e mesmo alguns contratempos - afinal estamos a falar de rallyes e sem contratempos não conheço nenhum - tal como começou no frio de Montim, terminou pelas 18H no vento gelado da partida de Gontim, novamente perto da aldeia de Lagoa.

É verdade que não estiveram ainda presentes  todos os pilotos inscritos na prova, mas a animação foi constante. Pelo que foi possível ver sábado passado, prevê-se um novo espetáculo nos reconhecimentos que decorrerão ainda na próxima 5ª feira - para aquelas equipas que os não realizaram ou completaram no sábado.

Entretanto uma lista de inscritos com mais de 80 pilotos só pode deixar-nos orgulhosos. Aos pilotos, obrigados pela vossa presença e confiança. Aos aficionados, desejamos um bom espetáculo e contamos convosco para que a segurança do rallye seja uma realidade sempre presente. Pela nossa parte, cumpre-nos afirmar que tudo faremos para que o Rali Serras de Fafe seja, uma vez mais, uma festa do automobilismo em Portugal.

Viva o Rallye Serras de Fafe! Vivam os Rallyes!


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An image file 1-Cartaz Rallye Serras de Fafe 300x400Download Preceding File Preview the file 249.99 KB 2018-01-14 14:46:06
An image file 2-Cartaz Rallye Serras de Fafe 3508x4962Download Preceding File Preview the file 12.16 MB 2018-01-14 14:46:09
explore subfolder image 1- Programa, mapas e acessos às Zonas Espetáculo (ZE)
An Adobe Acrobat file 1-Mapa ZE - PEC 1 & 3 LameirinhaDownload Preceding File Preview the file 361 KB 2018-02-04 18:45:21
An Adobe Acrobat file 2-Mapa ZE - PEC 2 & 4 LuilhasDownload Preceding File Preview the file 352.91 KB 2018-02-04 18:45:21
An Adobe Acrobat file 3-Mapa ZE - PEC 6 & 9 MontimDownload Preceding File Preview the file 362.98 KB 2018-02-04 18:45:21
An Adobe Acrobat file 4-Mapa ZE - PEC 7 & 10 Ruivães_ConfurcoDownload Preceding File Preview the file 364.87 KB 2018-02-04 18:45:21
An Adobe Acrobat file 5-Mapa ZE - PEC 8 & 11 GontimDownload Preceding File Preview the file 347.14 KB 2018-02-04 18:45:21
An Adobe Acrobat file 6-Rally Guide 1Download Preceding File Preview the file 5.04 MB 2018-02-14 14:42:05
An Adobe Acrobat file 7-RallyGuide 2Download Preceding File Preview the file 9.21 MB 2018-02-14 14:43:06
explore subfolder image 2- Roadbook, ficha de inscrição, regulamento da prova e aditamentos
An Adobe Acrobat file 1-SUPPLEMENTARY REGULATIONS - APPROVEDDownload Preceding File Preview the file 894.84 KB 2018-02-06 10:00:30
An Adobe Acrobat file 2-REGULAMENTO - CAMPEONATO PORTUGAL RALIS-APROVADODownload Preceding File Preview the file 808.78 KB 2018-02-06 10:00:35
An Adobe Acrobat file 3-REGULAMENTO - CAMPEONATO NORTE RALIS - APROVADODownload Preceding File Preview the file 922.2 KB 2018-02-04 17:40:53
An Adobe Acrobat file 4-CONTROLS MAP - NEW VERSIONDownload Preceding File Preview the file 348.02 KB 2018-02-06 10:01:23
A Microsoft Word file 5-BOLETIM DE INSCRIÇÃO - docDownload Preceding File Preview the file 78.08 KB 2018-01-17 21:46:37
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An Adobe Acrobat file 7-ComunicadoDownload Preceding File Preview the file 325.76 KB 2018-02-06 14:48:06
An Adobe Acrobat file 8-ADITAMENTO 1 - CAMPEONATO NORTE RALISDownload Preceding File Preview the file 182.11 KB 2018-02-10 17:19:40
An Adobe Acrobat file 9-ADITAMENTO 2 - CAMPEONATO NORTE RALISDownload Preceding File Preview the file 216.23 KB 2018-02-10 17:19:41
An Adobe Acrobat file 10-ROAD BOOK - CAMPEONATO PORTUGAL RALISDownload Preceding File Preview the file 29.09 MB 2018-02-10 17:27:02
An Adobe Acrobat file 11-ADITAMENTO 1 CPR_ERT_IRT - AGUARDA APROVAÇÃODownload Preceding File Preview the file 2.06 MB 2018-02-13 18:52:04
An Adobe Acrobat file 12-ADITAMENTO 2 CPR_ERT_IRT- AGUARDA APROVAÇÃODownload Preceding File Preview the file 330.82 KB 2018-02-13 18:51:49
explore subfolder image 3- Listas de inscritos
An Adobe Acrobat file 1- Lista de inscritos ERT - IRT - CPRDownload Preceding File Preview the file 216.2 KB 2018-02-13 02:02:34
An Adobe Acrobat file 2-Lista de inscritos - TFRDownload Preceding File Preview the file 137.8 KB 2018-02-14 14:36:39
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An Adobe Acrobat file 1-Horário de partida 1ª EtapaDownload Preceding File Preview the file 301.83 KB 2018-02-17 15:47:09
An Adobe Acrobat file 2-Horário de Partiga 2ª EtapaDownload Preceding File Preview the file 496.89 KB 2018-02-18 09:34:41
explore subfolder image 5- Classificações, desistências e penalizações
explore subfolder image 1-ERT_IRT_CPR
An Adobe Acrobat file 1-ERT_IRT_CPR - Overall - SS1Download Preceding File Preview the file 223.47 KB 2018-02-18 15:50:55
An Adobe Acrobat file 2-ERT_IRT_CPR - Overall - AFTER SS 1Download Preceding File Preview the file 223.51 KB 2018-02-18 15:50:55
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An Adobe Acrobat file 4-ERT_IRT_CPR - Overall - AFTER SS 2Download Preceding File Preview the file 223.69 KB 2018-02-18 15:50:56
An Adobe Acrobat file 5-ERT_IRT_CPR - Overall - SS 3Download Preceding File Preview the file 223.56 KB 2018-02-18 15:50:56
An Adobe Acrobat file 6-ERT_IRT_CPR - Overall - AFTER SS 3Download Preceding File Preview the file 223.74 KB 2018-02-18 15:50:56
An Adobe Acrobat file 7-ERT_IRT_CPR - Overall - SS 4Download Preceding File Preview the file 223.54 KB 2018-02-18 15:50:57
An Adobe Acrobat file 8-ERT_IRT_CPR - Overall - AFTER SS 4Download Preceding File Preview the file 223.76 KB 2018-02-18 15:50:57
An Adobe Acrobat file 9-ERT_IRT_CPR - Overall - SS 5ADownload Preceding File Preview the file 223.49 KB 2018-02-18 15:50:57
An Adobe Acrobat file 10-ERT_IRT_CPR - Overall - AFTER SS 5ADownload Preceding File Preview the file 223.79 KB 2018-02-18 15:50:58
An Adobe Acrobat file 11-ERT_IRT_CPR - Overall - SS 5BDownload Preceding File Preview the file 223.47 KB 2018-02-18 15:50:58
An Adobe Acrobat file 12-ERT_IRT_CPR - Overall - AFTER SS 5BDownload Preceding File Preview the file 223.78 KB 2018-02-18 15:50:58
An Adobe Acrobat file 13-ERT_IRT_CPR - Overall - SS 6Download Preceding File Preview the file 222.32 KB 2018-02-18 15:50:58
An Adobe Acrobat file 14-ERT_IRT_CPR - Overall - AFTER SS 6Download Preceding File Preview the file 222.55 KB 2018-02-18 15:50:59
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An Adobe Acrobat file 19 - CPR - Overall - AFTER SS 9Download Preceding File Preview the file 222.14 KB 2018-02-18 15:51:00
An Adobe Acrobat file 20 - CPR - Overall - SS 9Download Preceding File Preview the file 221.92 KB 2018-02-18 15:51:00
An Adobe Acrobat file 21 - CPR - Overall - SS 10Download Preceding File Preview the file 220 KB 2018-02-18 15:51:00
An Adobe Acrobat file 22 - CPR - Overall - AFTER SS 10Download Preceding File Preview the file 220.15 KB 2018-02-18 15:51:01
An Adobe Acrobat file 23 - CPR - Overall - SS 11Download Preceding File Preview the file 219.76 KB 2018-02-18 15:51:01
An Adobe Acrobat file 24 - CPR - Overall - AFTER SS 11Download Preceding File Preview the file 219.94 KB 2018-02-18 15:51:01
explore subfolder image 2-TFR
An Adobe Acrobat file 1-TFR - Geral - SS 1Download Preceding File Preview the file 169.25 KB 2018-02-18 15:50:25
An Adobe Acrobat file 2-TFR - Geral - AFTER SS 1Download Preceding File Preview the file 169.28 KB 2018-02-18 15:50:26
An Adobe Acrobat file 3-TFR - Geral - SS 2Download Preceding File Preview the file 169.22 KB 2018-02-18 15:50:26
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An Adobe Acrobat file 5-TFR - Geral - SS 3Download Preceding File Preview the file 169.22 KB 2018-02-18 15:50:26
An Adobe Acrobat file 6-TFR - Geral - AFTER SS 3Download Preceding File Preview the file 169.3 KB 2018-02-18 15:50:26
An Adobe Acrobat file 7-TFR - Geral - SS 4Download Preceding File Preview the file 169.21 KB 2018-02-18 15:50:27
An Adobe Acrobat file 8-TFR - Geral - AFTER SS 4Download Preceding File Preview the file 169.32 KB 2018-02-18 15:50:27
An Adobe Acrobat file 9-TFR - Geral - SS 5ADownload Preceding File Preview the file 169.2 KB 2018-02-18 15:50:27
An Adobe Acrobat file 10-TFR - Geral - AFTER SS 5ADownload Preceding File Preview the file 169.35 KB 2018-02-18 15:50:27
An Adobe Acrobat file 11-TFR - Geral - SS 5BDownload Preceding File Preview the file 169.2 KB 2018-02-18 15:50:27
An Adobe Acrobat file 12-TFR - Geral - AFTER SS 5BDownload Preceding File Preview the file 169.34 KB 2018-02-18 15:50:28
An Adobe Acrobat file 13 -TFR - Geral - SS 6Download Preceding File Preview the file 168.39 KB 2018-02-18 15:50:28
An Adobe Acrobat file 13-TFR - Geral - SS 6Download Preceding File Preview the file 168.39 KB 2018-02-18 13:20:03
An Adobe Acrobat file 14 -TFR - Geral - AFTER SS 6Download Preceding File Preview the file 168.47 KB 2018-02-18 15:50:28
An Adobe Acrobat file 14-TFR - Geral - AFTER SS 6Download Preceding File Preview the file 168.47 KB 2018-02-18 13:20:03
An Adobe Acrobat file 15 - TFR - Geral - SS 7Download Preceding File Preview the file 168.27 KB 2018-02-18 15:50:28
An Adobe Acrobat file 15-TFR - Geral - SS 7Download Preceding File Preview the file 168.28 KB 2018-02-18 13:20:03
An Adobe Acrobat file 16 - TFR - Geral - AFTER SS 7Download Preceding File Preview the file 168.5 KB 2018-02-18 15:50:28
An Adobe Acrobat file 16-TFR - Geral - AFTER SS 7Download Preceding File Preview the file 168.5 KB 2018-02-18 13:20:03
An Adobe Acrobat file 17 - TFR - Geral - SS 8Download Preceding File Preview the file 168.2 KB 2018-02-18 15:50:29
An Adobe Acrobat file 17-TFR - Geral - SS 8Download Preceding File Preview the file 168.2 KB 2018-02-18 13:20:04
An Adobe Acrobat file 18 - TFR - Geral - AFTER SS 8Download Preceding File Preview the file 168.27 KB 2018-02-18 15:50:29
An Adobe Acrobat file 18-TFR - Geral - AFTER SS 8Download Preceding File Preview the file 168.27 KB 2018-02-18 13:20:04
An Adobe Acrobat file 19 - TFR - Geral - AFTER SS 9Download Preceding File Preview the file 167.87 KB 2018-02-18 15:50:29
An Adobe Acrobat file 20 - TFR - Geral - SS 9Download Preceding File Preview the file 167.82 KB 2018-02-18 15:50:29
An Adobe Acrobat file 21 - TFR - Geral - SS 10Download Preceding File Preview the file 167.84 KB 2018-02-18 15:50:30
An Adobe Acrobat file 22 - TFR - Geral - AFTER SS 10Download Preceding File Preview the file 167.9 KB 2018-02-18 15:50:30
An Adobe Acrobat file 23 - TFR - Geral - SS 11Download Preceding File Preview the file 167.81 KB 2018-02-18 15:50:30
An Adobe Acrobat file 24 - TFR - Geral - AFTER SS 11Download Preceding File Preview the file 167.88 KB 2018-02-18 15:50:30
explore subfolder image 3-CNR
An Adobe Acrobat file 1-CNR - Geral - SS 2Download Preceding File Preview the file 199.21 KB 2018-02-18 15:51:10
An Adobe Acrobat file 2-CNR - Geral - AFTER SS 2Download Preceding File Preview the file 199.26 KB 2018-02-18 15:51:10
An Adobe Acrobat file 3-CNR - Geral - SS 3Download Preceding File Preview the file 199.19 KB 2018-02-18 15:51:11
An Adobe Acrobat file 4-CNR - Geral - AFTER SS 3Download Preceding File Preview the file 199.32 KB 2018-02-18 15:51:11
An Adobe Acrobat file 5-CNR - Geral - SS 4Download Preceding File Preview the file 199.18 KB 2018-02-18 15:51:11
An Adobe Acrobat file 6-CNR - Geral - AFTER SS 4Download Preceding File Preview the file 199.38 KB 2018-02-18 15:51:11
An Adobe Acrobat file 7-CNR - Geral - SS 5ADownload Preceding File Preview the file 199.11 KB 2018-02-18 15:51:12
An Adobe Acrobat file 8-CNR - Geral - AFTER SS 5ADownload Preceding File Preview the file 199.4 KB 2018-02-18 15:51:12
An Adobe Acrobat file 9-CNR - Geral - SS 5BDownload Preceding File Preview the file 199.08 KB 2018-02-18 15:51:12
An Adobe Acrobat file 10-CNR - Geral - AFTER SS 5BDownload Preceding File Preview the file 199.39 KB 2018-02-18 15:51:12
An Adobe Acrobat file 11 - CNR - Geral - SS 9Download Preceding File Preview the file 195.01 KB 2018-02-18 15:51:12
An Adobe Acrobat file 12 - CNR - Geral - AFTER SS 9Download Preceding File Preview the file 195.11 KB 2018-02-18 15:51:13
An Adobe Acrobat file 13 - CNR - Geral - SS 10Download Preceding File Preview the file 194.87 KB 2018-02-18 15:51:13
An Adobe Acrobat file 14 - CNR - Geral - AFTER SS 10Download Preceding File Preview the file 195.14 KB 2018-02-18 15:51:13
An Adobe Acrobat file 15 - CNR - Geral - SS 11Download Preceding File Preview the file 194.61 KB 2018-02-18 15:51:13
An Adobe Acrobat file 16 - CNR - Geral - AFTER SS 11Download Preceding File Preview the file 194.71 KB 2018-02-18 15:51:14
explore subfolder image 4-Troféu KUMHO
An Adobe Acrobat file Kumho SS2Download Preceding File Preview the file 430.17 KB 2018-02-18 00:15:07
An Adobe Acrobat file Kumho SS3 Download Preceding File Preview the file 430.34 KB 2018-02-17 21:39:08
An Adobe Acrobat file Kumho SS4Download Preceding File Preview the file 432.61 KB 2018-02-18 09:57:12
An Adobe Acrobat file Kumho SS5 - Download Preceding File Preview the file 430.48 KB 2018-02-18 10:09:37
An Adobe Acrobat file Kumho SS5A Download Preceding File Preview the file 419.32 KB 2018-02-18 00:00:23
An Adobe Acrobat file Kumho SS5BDownload Preceding File Preview the file 430.38 KB 2018-02-18 10:10:38
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